I'll Make You Famous…




Girl Uses Ranch Dressing as a Chaser of the Day

The things people will do for the social media clout is pretty ridiculous, I am not against people documenting their every move, especially now that all these attention seekers are aggressively seeking their 15 mins of fame by just doing their own thing, not bothering crafting a strategy to sell to some money person….just as easy as using ranch dressing or really anything obscure as a chaser after a shot before going out to party amongst the COVID people are ignoring…

The nice thing about this is knowing that once the fame hits for those 15 mins, the sex tapes and nudes are quickly going to follow….because fame is addictive and you gotta keep those hits up…

I’ve never really one for chasers, I like the burning abuse on the way down so I know what my liver is going through….the whole masking that abuse with a sweet thick milky flavor like ranch from the bottle is probably the last thing I’d want to have curdle inside me…I have puked from drinking at least 2-3 times in my life and it was from Irish Car Bombs, the Baileys just rotted me out…..the other time was tequila…I think…and the first time was malt liquor as a kid…but this isn’t about me…it’s about this Ranch Chaser clearly chasing dreams….not promoting her only fans yet but it’s likely coming…

Wild party girls who “don’t give a fuck” at least not until they are washed up and decide to while about it have always existed but now they are on social media to remember their sloppy at best glory days!

The best thing about this is that Tito’s and Ranch will end up on the menu at some pretentious cocktail bar that call what they do MIXOLOGY…and I guess that others will follow this challenge and by next week 10000 girls will be doing the RANCH CHASER CHALLENGE thanks to the internet.

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