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Rowan Blanchard’s New York City Dreams of the Day

Rowan Blanchard turns 18, escapes LA and that charmed Disney Life her family sold her wellbeing off for, to hit the “edgier” (LOL) NYC…

Yes there was a time when the lesser evil of the bratty rich kids who thought they were cool lived in NYC, you know the ones who wore jeans and flannel and did the whole homeless look while being rich. They were called hipsters and they were laughed at by all because to be a hipster required work despite looking like it was shat out on the subway during homeless sex.

While LA was filled with lame kids looking like aspiring Disney kids, which ironically, I assume it’s irony, I still don’t understand irony, Rowan Blanchard is…

So the edgy fashion and music scene cocaine lovers were in NYC and the closet case queers in colorful clothing in LA….

But then the whole world just turned into shit and everyone everywhere was a lame ass trying to come across as edgy….so I assume Rowan in her now bi-sexual existence, who moved to NYC to find her lesbian activist self, is out here producing this dramatic shit…as she “finds herself” as far away from the city that ate her soul….LOS ANGELES….when really it’s all the same shit…get a grip loser.

Here she is on the Creeper cam…living her best NYC microbikini life…edgy.

Posted in:Rowan Blanchard