I don’t think Noah Cyrus is hot, even with the face injections, she’s an ugly chick playing a hot chick, like 99 percent of girls of social media…it’s all lies…
She is better than the other ugly girls on social media trying to get attention through her nudity, half nudity, twerking….because she’s a CYRUS and in being a Cyrus she’s got access to anything she fucking wants in her privilege life….not just because of her sister and her dad who obviously had to give her all kinds of affirmations when Miley was getting famous and she remained the weaker sister…..so she’s got a lot of confidence on the surface, but I am sure a lot of feeling of inadequacies because clearly she’s rather be Miley, out here making music, doing shoots, being an influencer, pumped that Miley is her sister and she’s got that hook to get people to notice her, but probably self hating because of it….
She looks like Bunny The Goddess when she dances:
Only Bunny is way fucking cooler….

Posted in:noah cyrus