Her name is Cleopatre, you can follow her on INSTAGRAM….and you should because her shit is really awesome, at least to me…
She’s not some Egyptian princess, she is however based in what I assume is Quebec, the land of circus performing weirdos…hot girls and poutines…
The funny thing is yesterday I wrote a note to myself that I should produce more funny bikini viral videos, because I am from the old school, and I find the dramatic bikini poses, where these girls are trying to recreate Sports Illustrated Swim or Victoria’s Secret, very fucking lame. I want to see girls in bikinis doing good things, whether that’s stunts, feeding the homeless, whatever…just not lame ass dramatic poses in a bikini you fucking losers…
So miraculous, the universe answered me with this skimpy bikini wearing girl who flips, jumps, balances, and is all around A LOT of fun to watch…as she lives her fearless life, landing on her neck, all for the sake of hot, fit, exhilerating content….she’s one to watch out for.

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