Bella Thorne is trying to push her Disney Kid image as far as she can without getting her blacklisted from the mainstream, which she likely won’t see happen, as the mainstream tries to adapt to the new generation, someone like Bella Thorne is a much needed asset, one all of the big companies are fighting for, so the highest bidder locks her into a development deal…a first right of refusal…if you come up with an idea, we’ll buy it so no one else does, all because you are trending…
They don’t care that she looks like she smells like homeless man piss, or that she’s have sex with homeless man piss if it was frozen into a dildo shape, because she’s gross and edgy…and that’s what the clout chasers like…and what the younger audience like..
So she started the Only Fans, made a million dollars in a day, pissed off the actual sex workers who weren’t Disney Kids and have no business making a million dollars in a day, shamed her for using their platform for her non-sex work needs….angry she clickbait lies to get people to buy her pics and videos as a joke….all while keeping the revenues she makes…attracting all these other mainstream people into doing the same thing because it’s now OK, Bella Does it So We Can… they all eagerly want to sell nudes and cash in…but don’t want to fuck themselves over if they do…
Anyway, all these only fans girls are mad, because they are the same people saying “we should support other women in their quest”…but don’t mean it, obviously….and they are leaving hateful shit on Bella’s account for all to see….while tagging Bella Thorne so that the Bella Thorne fans who click “Tagged photos” see them….it’s their bottom feeding approach to act like activists, while hating on another girl selling her content to her fans, because she actually has fans, and I figure what a great opportunity to showcase all the Bella Thorne haters, made Bella Thorne does better than them…jealous of Bella Thorne…while pretending “at least I am not Bella Thorne”….get the fuck out of here…but before that…here’s Bella Thorne’s mom’s mom tits for her only fans, it’s a family cash grab….these bitches don’t know sex work until they are Disney Kids…
Here’s one of the hater’s comments:
“Bella Thorne made an OF account which landed her an overnight revenue of over a million dollars.
Bella is already a millionaire. She does not have to be out here doing sex work. SWers have been out of work since March. it’s insensitive, it’s rude.
“Influencers” are taking the opportunity to profit off a STRUGGLING industry in which girls are becoming houseless for the first time after being faced with the harsh reality that we have zero income right now. SWers cannot perform work as they normally do during this pandemic. Right now, it’s a privilege to carry out sex work.
We have sat back and observed as patrons respond with praise and respect towards D list* celebrities who spontaneously decide to sell a nude, while girls who’re truly invested in this line of business are left forgotten about, insulted and to die.
It’s beyond an issue of people reading the room. It’s an issue of influencers profiting off an industry where girls are dying and becoming houseless because of the loss in demand over the pandemic. The root of sex work is people RESULTING to do so for an income. For survival.
They’re sex workers dying, endangered, being trafficked, abused, facing poverty and many battles the public is not ready to acknowledge yet.
Then comes along Tana, Bella, etc.
These women ALREADY HAVE A PLATFORM, money, security, etc. they aren’t actually WORKING. They already had their following. They get a pass to upload ONE revealing photo at the cost of $ 50 per subscription, and even if they never post again, they’ve already made one million dollars just off a “launch”. Perhaps if the circumstances were different and these individuals cared about our community, it would be appropriate. If they gave back or put INTO our environment, donated their earnings to help us struggling out. However at this point, it’s simply the wealthy hoarding wealth and further placing blame on an industry built on hustling and surviving for your own dollar. You’re not advocating or being an ally for our industry, you’re placing blame.
@bellathorne I’m calling on you to do better. Shame on you.”

Posted in:Bella Thorne