I'll Make You Famous…




Zoey Deutch Hard Nipples of the Day

Zoey Deutch Boobs

Zoey Deutch, who you know as the daughter of Howard the Duck’s love interest….shat out of the pussy of Caroline in the City / the Mom in Back to the Future thanks to her dad, the director of Pretty in Pink, not pulling out…

She’s basically from Hollywood industry royalty, even if both Lea Thompson and Howard Deutch are relatively insignificant, they’ve been around, worked on a bunch of big projects, I’d be surprised if their daughter Zoey wasn’t working as an actress, it’d be like her rebelling what basically fell in her lap.

That’s not to say Zoey Deutch isn’t a talented actor, it’s to say no one is a talented actor, it’s all some lie they feed us or themselves to have some level of importance on what they do…from my experience it’s far more rewarding laughing at how insignificant what you do is…

But yeah, it’d be a challenge or rebellion against the family for Zoey to not be working in the industry, so it’s not all that showing that she’s working in the industry, and that’s not to say she doesn’t deserve to be working in the industry, I mean I’m all for the family legacy being passed down the genetic line, the idea people should start from scratch when the door is already open for them is idiotic…

I may just be saying that Zoey Deserves her fame though becasue she’s got her tits on fucking blast, funny out there for all to see, in what is apparently to support breast cancer with breasts, that seems like a able bodied person showing a newly diagnosed paralyzed person how good they are at dance…I think the Social Justice Warriors call it tone deaf….since I’m sure everyone who just had their tits cut off as they know what they will eventually die of….want to see big young enough…budding young actor who has been in a few big movies…..tits…hey amputee, check out this limb I still have because I am not an amputee, for cancer of course…WEIRD…but WONDERFUL…

I had no idea Zoey Deutch had tits like this.


Posted in:Zoey Deutch


