Hunter King is the hotter of the King sisters…but Joey King’s at the height of her career after impressing me in The Act, but maybe some forced to be reclusive, thinking she’s sick, half retard who kills her mom with her full retard boyfriend, is hot to me…but I think it has more to do with how good of a job Joey King did…and in this pandemic, she’s been showing that she’s not that awkward, feeding tube, freak show from the show, but hot and busty in her right.
So obviously, the sister who is older and hotter and who probably lives with the younger and more successful sister, is going to take her Soap Opera, Young and the Restless titties as far as she can to get noticed…these girls, even sisters, are jealous and catty…
Obviously, she could be substantially better with these pretty big looking tits, and this tit hanging off her chest like a drunk homeless guy on a park bench isn’t it’s best version, but it’s still a tit and isn’t that what we are all here for? I know it’s what I am here for…
Use the trending family name and the family big tits to get noticed…good strategy….working to get off the Soap Opera hustle and get a real acting job on a real project..since Soap Operas are definitely dying as old housewives who treated them as their porn die off….I mean COVID is a huge threat against Hunter King’s livelihood so she’s being proactive.
Posted in:Hunter King