I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Rita Ora is pretty much a host body for a great set of tits, tits that have seen better days, but also tits that have been put to good use in helping her pave this life of celebrity and luxury without anyone really knowing who the fuck she is….they say she’s a singer, but I’ve never heard her sing, so if this is how a singer no one’s heard is living, maybe being low level famous is the answer…maybe that is why all the kids have turned to social media to get famous and monetize because it clearly doesn’t take much…
Anyway, from being signed, to fucking the Kardashian Brother, to going to every industry event she could so the paparazzi thought she mattered, to dating whoever the fuck else she’s dated, she’s always had great tits…so here she is in the studio wearing her comfy studio clothes that seem to be Gucci Lingerie as an outfit…because her best work gets done when the tits are out!
Posted in:Rita Ora