I remember the first time I heard about Halsey, it was a bunch of years ago and someone I knew in the “industry” told me this story about how I need to look out for this new generation popstar who has this really inspirational story about being some drug addict part girl who lived on the streets….to which I rolled my eyes…as I do….classic Jesus Martinez….and said “you believe that bullshit”….
I mean it’s an angle, a really weird angle, but my version of Halsey’s Origin story, despite not knowing shit about Halsey, besides that she’s got some fake tits…is that she was a bratty teen who wanted to party and not work…and who may have been kicked out of the house for being a degenerate for like a night or two…this whole living on the subway because it ran all night is far too dramatic to be reality….and when she was out at the parties…the DJs who in case you didn’t know are HUGELY famous, rich and all that, but DJs therefore try hard losers….no DJs are cool…and when a hot chick in every city tries to get near them like they are rockstars, they usually take advantage of that, and in Halsey’s case it allowed her to lay down a vocal track that went viral, put her on the map, and allowed her to get fake tits she can do stripper poses in a bikini with.
She’s not hot, interesting, if anything she’s just a lame ass whiner, but she’s in a bikinis slutty posing, so there’s that.

Posted in:Halsey