I'll Make You Famous…




Britney Spears Half Naked Hostage Video from Captivity of the Day

We all know that Britney Spears has been in captivity for a long time, her parents locking her into some bullshit conservatorship many years ago after her first mental breakdown, and it all made sense from a practical perspective since they are a white trash family that sold their kid off to the industry, turning her into an earner, where money is addictive and can outweigh the health and wellness of your kid….and always does…you greedy fucks…

So I’ve been calling Britney Spears abducted in plain sight, or at least a variation of that since her parents reappropriated her to imprison her and control every aspect of her life after she went off the rails…instead of doing what Aguilera did by dropping off and getting fat….or what Simpson did by making billions off low end K-Mart clothing….but instead they just kept the one trick pony doing the one trick she knew…and luckily that one trick was lucrative thanks to it being Britney Spears….a fucking legend.

No one else seemed to care until this past year about Britney’s parents basically stealing her money while she was all medicated….because Britney is a fucking empire, employs many, and is more than just the postar herself…it requires management and infrastructure…something Britney can’t do especially when medicated…

I mean she can barely follow direction in her instagram dance video that looks like it was shot on a Nintendo Power globe, or maybe a toaster….all lit weird…but more importantly….performed weird by the medicated half naked starlet…all dead in the eyes like some kind of zombie trying to prove she’s ok…when looking like a hostage video before the beheading in a “my captors are really great, they treat me well”….before getting the fucking axe.

Either way, if you’re into captive women, and you are, check out this weirdness.

Posted in:Britney Spears