I just did a post on all the girls posting up pussy wedgies or variations of pussy wedgies as I do every Wednesday – check it out….
I figured I’ll now do a celebrity version of a pussy wedgie, you know an intentional pulling her panties up inside her as girls do….with fitness gear, panties and bikinis a like….and I am sure you have all experience at least one girl who has brought herself to orgasm by jacking her clothing up inside her…or maybe not, you are a bunch of incels who don’t have sex and/or Russian spam bots…
That’s not to say Amber Rose is a celebrity, but she is “known” for fucking celebrities like Kanye and whoever else she has fucked…so that counts as something…..I mean when she met Kanye she was a stripper in a lesbian relationship taking advantage of sucker men, now she’s someone who’s made a career from taking advantage of sucker men…and she continues with that mission on Only Fans, where she’s selling actual nudes…
I’ve never really hated Amber Rose, her tits have been big and not as annoying as they could be, plus she outted Kanye for liking butt play in an era where men didn’t let me peg them, you know we were men and not little queer genderless bitches jealous that girls get all the fillings…..
I also figure let a stripper get all the hype she can since she will forever be a stripper and stripping doesn’t last forever, but apparently it can last a pretty long time….if you sugar baby and strategically get knocked up so that you are still on people’s radar…
All this to say, pretty hot, easy to produce content….girls take note…it doesn’t take much effort to make something that matters, not that this matters very much, but it matters to me, and that’s enough.

Posted in:Amber Rose