Bebe Rexha may be on the cusp of being too old to be a popstar but she thinks she’s paid her dues and is eligible for popstar status thanks to having written actual hit songs…another one of those delusions people have after thinking how accomplished they are for basically doing bullshit like writing a song for some famous people…If I was in the right circles, I could write Rihanna a song and I don’t know anything about music, and it’d be a hit because it is Rihanna…You could have Rihanna gargling cum like a prostitute at a Barbados Karoke bar which is what they use as brothels, and in the hours after the release of said cum gargling song, the world of TikTok would be doing their choreographed dance to the shit…not because I am a genius with my cum gargling ideas and lyrics…but because Rihanna…
Bebe Rexha didn’t really see it that way, she thought they were using her art and stealing her shine, so despite being on the cusp of being too old and really on the cusp of being too fat…. decided to Nicki Minaj / Lady Gaga herself iwth dumb hair colors and outfits to be loud and present in the industry…
In this important video she lifts and drops her big fat tit in a body suit outfit and if you’re going to be on the cusp of too fat this is what it’s about…the tit…and when you’re on the cusp of being too old…slutty behavior will distrat…and braless fat titty drops in a jump suit is slutty behavior to me. I’m a prude.
Posted in:Bebe Rexha