Jordyn Jones is this girl who gets a lot of hype, at least amongst the perverts who post her shit on the forums I rip off for content that let me know who the trending starlets are since I don’t know shit about these things and find all celebrities at all levels..starting from low level influencers fucking ugly people….even when they are hot…they just buy into all that is lame in the world as they desperately seek relevance, more fame, money…based on nothing but their physical attributes…it’s just shitty, low hanging fruit, lack of brains, effort…”I’ll just show my ass”…..I far prefer women who don’t spend their time doing this nonsense….and I am not even conflicted, sure every girl being a narcissistic, empty, whore trying to get people into them based on their sex appeal is hilarious because you get to watch it…clickbait, eyecandy, whatever you want to call it….but it would be far better if none of these girls got half naked for attention….you know it’d make us go back to jerking off to simple things….like actual whores being whores not mainstream bitches stealing whore glory for mainstream success…
POINT BEING…Jordyn Jones is probably doing the right thing for her level of talent and celebrity, you know because she’s a better whore than singer….or dancer…that’s just a way for her to pretend she’s not a whore or justify her whore behavior….but when you’re thrown into the entertainment industry as a kid on a reality show by your stage parent mom, only to have some level of success, you know there’s a level of fucked up at her core as she tries to save the family from being from the KALAMAZOO MICHIGAN dumpster…
I do predict the dancing will stop, the dancing body will disappear eventually, it doesn’t last forever, but for now it’s good, and as a dancer with that dancing body, you know is fit enough to ride dick proper…this is her time to shine before she ends up diabetic, 400 pounds at Walmart buying oil for her motorized wheelchair….unless this is the official escape…I mean she is living large making money rocking a pool that’s not the piss filled one at the trailer park she’s likely from…
This probably seems like hating on a young girl in a bikini, it’s not, it’s good, it’s hating on a lack of effort because it really is this easy for these idiots to market themselves….instead of DOING something with a PURPOSE…clout chasers!

Posted in:Jordyn Jones