I'll Make You Famous…




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Tight pants are nothing new, I am sure you’ve jerked off to pics of your mom in the 70s in her tight pants she used to put on wet so they’d be more form fitting back when they didn’t have “STRETCH” fabrics incorporated into jeans like they do now….

I know, the “stretch” fabric in jeans is not always our friend, because if you’re a negative thinker or a pessimist, which I am not, even though I have been wrongfully labelled that amongst other horrible things, there are negatives to everything, even stretch fabrices….because they have been misued by the fatties to size the fuck down, or squeeze into things they really shouldn’t squeeze into but don’t realize it cuz she’s a size medium when they are clearly XXL…

I like to focus on the positive, which is that tight pants, which are all the rage thanks to COVID are worn everywhere by everyone…and despite some use of stretch pants being totally irresponsible, even an abuse of the right….there are also hot chicks who wear them too…and more importantly…in all cases…even the fatties in the tight pants…you can see the soul of the woman wearing them in the form of FULL ass shot….but more importantly fully pussy definition….you can see more than just camel toe, but also the fatness of a pussy lip, sometimes the meatiness, the clit, etc….it is all so exciting…

So these are girls in tight pants posted to the internet…some asses are real, some fake…some photoshopped…all a good supplemental way to stare at tight pants when too lazy to leave the house and see EVERY SINGLE WOMAN ALIVE in them….

Posted in:Tight Pants