Ireland Baldwin continues to be “edgy” like the broken rich girl she is….and I guess you can blame her and not her father because at a certain age you have to take some responsibility for your actions and stop blaming it on your mommy and daddy who have set you up for life thanks to their rich as fuck celebrity shit….even if daddy went on to have 47 kids with his slutty Yoga instructor who has a fake accent to seem more interesting….people are fucking crazy…
Not that anyone her age takes responsibility for anything, they save all their traumas that are barely traumas up to compare with each other as they down their prescription pills…keep them medicated, half retarded and horny…
But yeah, Ireland, in her ill fitting weed pyjama pants doing a twerk while holding onto something I am sure she could easily pull the fuck out of the wall because she’s got HULK status size….and the whole thing…with the prison tattoos…and the memories of her early instagram work where she couldn’t handle life, and went in and out of rehab, don’t make it any more interesting…but she do got tits….big girl tits…cuz she’s a monster.

Posted in:Ireland Baldwin