I'll Make You Famous…




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

Wet Spot Wednesday is my weekly reminder that this site is vile. It will forever be banned from social media, from advertising networks, from any mainstream appeal, and I am ok with that because that whole capitalist, be like everyone else, bullshit isn’t that appealing to me….I think corporations and governments are evil and riding on the obscure corner of the internet is fine with me….even if it doesn’t pay the bills, it’s my charitable contribution to the world that will never see it…

However, why I protest through Wet Spot pics is beyond be, I find them all fucking vile…a pussy is a wonderful thing, I’ll eat an unshowered aids pussy after a heat wave any day, but to see crusty ass panties like shit needs to be sent to a doctor for some further tests makes me gag…

This is my fuck you post, if you’re not strong enough to handle this, you’re not strong enough to handle me, only I am not strong enough to handle this, it’s nice to know I’m not that desensitized from this internet machine….but gross.

Posted in:WetSpot