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Archive for the WetSpot Category




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

Wetspots are a touchy subject to some people…mainly me…because pictures of wetspots don’t tell me the cause of the wetspot and with a living organism like a vagina…a petri dish of fun and adventure that I’ll lick under any and all circumstances…I just like to know what I am licking or why it smells the way it does…was it something she ate, a PH balance issue, maybe some inflammation….did she live her wet bikini on too long…or is her body like a self cleaning oven…SELF CLEANING and my face is the rag….the panty, or as I call it, the pussy roast drip pan is a magical alien creature sent from heaven to make us babies…but with all that weird 3D printing equipment built into it…there are too many variables for me to just accept wetness as being SO turned on for the people of the internet that they have to show it off….but I guess better wet than dry…



Posted in:WetSpot




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

We are in historical times right now, possibly end of times, but if you read the bible and choose the right side, you know that good will win in the end, but it takes a group of people who still have souls, who still have consciousness, who aren’t brain washed by the media slaves….who haven’t bought into this oppression…and it’s all pretty inspiring…

So naturally, I am going to post some WET SPOT panties to further distract you mindless idiots, who aren’t fully to blame for being mindless idiots, you’ve been a victim from a very sophisticated 100 year system designed for this fucking moment….of enslaving all of us motherfuckers…

I don’t expect everyone to be heroes, but when I see so many girls posting pics of their wet panties for a dopamine release or attention, I realize…society is fucking doomed but we can pull through all this if you hold these people accountable..

For the rest of you, here’s girls showing wet panties out of context…is it cum, is it creampie release throughout the day, is it lubrication, is it Michael Rapport’s lip discharge, is it Vagina Gangrene…or NECROSIS…which is one of those vaccine injuries being reported….is it a YEAST infection…is it just standard ovulation discharge…as a HOBBY GYNO I don’t have the answeer…but PUSSY IS FUN…slippery when wet…at least that’s the myth…I can’t relate because I tend to dry bitches…I’m just that charming, seductive and good smelling…


Posted in:WetSpot




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

I guess I should have posted my MORNING HANGOVER DUMP rant about frozen pussy lips looking like an ARCTIC Adventure’s frozen snot covered beards after spending too much time in the cold here.

It would have probably made more sense that my wet pussy getting frozen was on my weekly wet panty selfie post, you know because girls who have wet pussy, for whatever fucking reason, hell, we don’t even know if they spray water on them pre-shoot to give the illusion of the wet pussy, since this is all a bullshit simulation and nothing is real, we can assume that only 5-10 percent of the wet spots are from nympho chicks who can’t cum enough in a given day, so they just sit there dripping as the tingle in between their legs terrorize them…

I don’t know about you, but I have met at least two nympho girls, not nympho enough to fuck me, but nympho enough to always be crossing legs, rubbing themselves, pressing up against corners…you know the type….

I prefer knowing the cause of the WET SPOT…IT IS NOT THE DESTINATION, IT IS THE JOURNEY….but whatever, I take what I can get…and you should too…

The fact that we live in a society where this many girls post their wet panties in a week…to the internet publicly…is pretty wild….


Posted in:WetSpot




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

People are so fucking weird sexually now, that at a certain point people will be craving missionary sex and not just when their girl off hookup app is nodding off on the fentanyl you just snorted….I mean real conservative and modest wait until marriage, no under the shirt, only finger bang over the pants kind of work your way up to the big day, but until then here’s a bunch of perverts who like sex uncontrollably that they product content of their wet panties so you know how horny they are….Gross right?


Posted in:WetSpot




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

I don’t know how many of these WETSPOTS are vaccine induced miscarriages, but I’ll assume a few of them are, because when you’ve got a wet spot on your panties, the people of the internet need to see it….but then again, people who post content of themselves on the internet tend to overshare and try to get sympathy and attention, so their vaccine induced miscarriages, that they would never call a vaccine induced miscarriage, for fear of admitting the vaccines they were scammed into taking actually deposit the nano particles in the ovaries….would mean NO MORE abortions and by the shit I see on the internet…that would be a fate worse than death for some of these people….activists…etc…

The point of the story is that people made infertile don’t care that they are infertile, they didn’t want those pesky kids anyway, but it makes having ABORTION anniversaries on instagram…pretty challenging…

I am trying to not talk about the vaccines around here…2022 resolutions….that I’ve already failed on….oh well….might as well go down with the fucking ship and keep on alienating you SPIKE PROTEIN PRODUCING non-human fucks.


Posted in:WetSpot




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

I guess wet spots are better than crusty dry spots on a three day old pair of panties…even though dry spots are all the panty raiders of the local laundromat know…because wet spots, like the fresh fruit picked off the tree lack the fermentation and flavor we are used to…the difference between grapes and wine, or grapes and raisins…so it’s been hard for me to process live-action wetness…as it is a foreign concept to me…but these ladies want you to know that they are horny thinking of all the weird fucks who will see these pics…and love these pics…since exhibitionism is as real as voyeurism…but voyeurism is frowned upon because no one likes dudes on their fire escape watching them sleep…even exhibitionists…they find it creepy…so keep it on the internet, it’s less real that way, even though real life only plays out on the internt…IT IS all so confusing for a pervert like me…simpler pervert times where you knew you were being a pervert and it was all part of the thrill are missed…now that everything is perverted, or not….I mean girls posting their wet panties is pretty fucking racy…or not….like I said…confusing.


Posted in:WetSpot




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

Wet spots mean different things to different people…

To a necrophiliac, a wet spot may be concerning, unless you’ve used warm water to heat the pussy up.

To a male nurse, probably gay, maybe a wet spot means “ewwwwwww”….

To a man who fucks hookers, a wet spot could be various things from another man’s cum leaking out, or her water breaking, or some kind of infection oozing…depending on the budget you have for a hooker…the wet spot can be WAY too many things…NOT all are good..

To the middle aged woman, or near SENIOR like Aniston, Berry, Lopez, you know…the sluts who won’t accept being old….the wet spot could be from the weak bladder and laughing sets it off..

To the gym trainer, maybe the wet spot is sweat…or JACKED up testosterone from the SWOLLL…

But to me….the WET SPOT is the land of opportunity…some men want to explore untamed lands, uncharted worlds…FLY TO MARS, explore Antarctica or other off the beaten paths….I just want to explore Wet Spots…and figure out the cause, the origin….the source…

MAYBE, just maybe, it’s from being turned on producing content for the internet….

I am an explorer.


Posted in:WetSpot




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

Wet Spots make the world go round, otherwise it’s just DRY pussy for everyone, which may be something I am used to thanks to my nutrient lacking, unhealthy as fuck, drug addicted, dehydrated, not turned on in anyway, too old to have a period, half dead zombie corpse pussy, not because I like it but because it’s affordable.

So in not having any of the skills to turn on a pussy, to ever face lubrication from said pussy, which helps across the board due to the increased friction, the WET spot, is usually a sign of something like a bacterial infection…any moisture felt sets off red flags…some WWII style SIRENS….THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING…

While to nories, the wet spot’s probably hot….it means they’re horny…or having a miscarriage from the vaccines…HOT


Posted in:WetSpot




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

Wet Spots are pretty funny to me. I originally did this round-up because I thought it was insane that girls were posting up pics of their wet panties, assuming the panties were wet from their vagina juices flowing from being just so horny she can’t contain herself, but that’s probably the propaganda, it’s actually just water and being used to bait us into their trap. HONEYPOTS…

I do find wet spot pics out of context leaves too much room for interpretation, what could it be made from, what is the source of the wetspot…even though I assume most of these are post vagina rubbing pics…but I can’t be too sure and that’s the mystery that makes this post exciting…THE UNKNOWN reason to how we got here contrasting the known dirty panties that I’m sure we’d all wear as masks…because that’s what being a man is about…sniffing dirty panties.


Posted in:WetSpot




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

Wetspots are growing on me, not necessarily dripping off my face and chest like they should be, but they are progressively getting better and better. I don’t know if it’s a product of being a hermit who has alienated myself from society 15 years ago, because if you take a look around, you’ll see why…I mean it’s worse than expected but I saw this coming…

Maybe I’ve grown up and realized that wet pussy in wet panties doesn’t need to be a gross thing in photo, since I never found it a gross thing in real life, even if the dirty panties were product of DISCHARGE or YEAST INFECTION or VAGINITIS….and not hot and bothered, too horny to go on, because in this porn generation of sexualization, I imagine girls have vaginas tingling all fucking day…but that could just be because of the butt plugs they wear to work….

Yes, a slutty generation and we’re on the receiving end.


Posted in:WetSpot