Wet Spots make the world go round, otherwise it’s just DRY pussy for everyone, which may be something I am used to thanks to my nutrient lacking, unhealthy as fuck, drug addicted, dehydrated, not turned on in anyway, too old to have a period, half dead zombie corpse pussy, not because I like it but because it’s affordable.
So in not having any of the skills to turn on a pussy, to ever face lubrication from said pussy, which helps across the board due to the increased friction, the WET spot, is usually a sign of something like a bacterial infection…any moisture felt sets off red flags…some WWII style SIRENS….THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING…
While to nories, the wet spot’s probably hot….it means they’re horny…or having a miscarriage from the vaccines…HOT
Posted in:WetSpot