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Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

Wet spots mean different things to different people…

To a necrophiliac, a wet spot may be concerning, unless you’ve used warm water to heat the pussy up.

To a male nurse, probably gay, maybe a wet spot means “ewwwwwww”….

To a man who fucks hookers, a wet spot could be various things from another man’s cum leaking out, or her water breaking, or some kind of infection oozing…depending on the budget you have for a hooker…the wet spot can be WAY too many things…NOT all are good..

To the middle aged woman, or near SENIOR like Aniston, Berry, Lopez, you know…the sluts who won’t accept being old….the wet spot could be from the weak bladder and laughing sets it off..

To the gym trainer, maybe the wet spot is sweat…or JACKED up testosterone from the SWOLLL…

But to me….the WET SPOT is the land of opportunity…some men want to explore untamed lands, uncharted worlds…FLY TO MARS, explore Antarctica or other off the beaten paths….I just want to explore Wet Spots…and figure out the cause, the origin….the source…

MAYBE, just maybe, it’s from being turned on producing content for the internet….

I am an explorer.

Posted in:WetSpot