Skylar Grey is some singer, songwriter, record producer, from the mean streets of Mazomanie Wisconisn….who got a record deal at 17, recorded under the name Holly Brook, then in 2010, she wrote Eminem and Rihanna’s song, so she’s rich as shit and doesn’t need to continue doing this music thing, but I guess what the fuck else is she to do with her time…just sit around and wait to die on her royalty checks…I mean she’s achieved the coveted “One Hit Wonder”….which is all you really need to survive…I call it the Dan Ackroyd because he made 100s of millions off Ghostbusters, that Fuck You money, but even he went onto do other bullshit movies despite the 100s of millions of dollars, I mean what the fuck else are you to do…
But I guess in this era, when you got nothing to do, you can always get naked in the pool and post it to the internet for her fanbase, you know show them her 34 year old be more interesting…and as far as I’m concerned…bare ass makes all ladies more interesting.

Posted in:Skylar Grey