Miley Cyrus is in some topless shoot like the poser she is, but that no one will bother calling her out on, because she’s topless in this shoot.
I find it irritating, in part because she’s assumed this 70s or early 80s glam rock vibe and it just reminds me that she’s a Disney trained media manipulator who is totally inconsistent in her messaging, because she doesn’t have an actual message….it’s marketing…she’s got handlers…they money…and they know the fans are too stupid to notice or care about the inconsistencies…
So Miley, who ripped off all the TUMBLR girls getting naked, starting getting naked, only to spend 3 years not getting naked, pretending to be country, only to go back to being naked because it gave her huge success the first time she did it….especially now that she had an integral part in all these girls now selling nudes. If Miley gets naked, we can get naked…..then Miley stopped getting naked…but we all kept getting naked…and now Miley is naked again…it’s just poser shit…and I hate it….but don’t mind seeing her tits..obviously…that’s the best shit Miley does…but I don’t forgive her for the neglect to her cause as she tried other tactics…
Remember, she’s DISNEY and they brainwash eveyrone….
More recently, her sister NOAH got dragged for being a racist, because she wrote something racist to Candance Owens, who is pretty hilarious on Social Media….she called her a Nappy Ass or something…which as you know is obviously really fucking racist…
What we can learn from Noah Cyrus calling Candace Owens a “Nappy Ass Ho” is that the hip hop music has infiltrated the minds of the rich and white, so that they don’t even know that shit is racist, but are the first to protest racism. I truly believe that the raised in a bubble rich kid in Miley’s shadow had no idea what she said was racist, since it’s just her vernacular, and that’s the real issue in society…people are so self involved and self aware, but they don’t have a brain or understanding that they have no substance…they just hop on trends and are super fucking vocal about it but don’t look in the mirror while taking their mirror selfies to realize they are fucking idiots.
So all this woke shit, as we all know, is just superficial nonsense and all the outrage and panic and fighting for their rights doesn’t really mean shit because they’re all exactly what they are trying to take down…but their heads so far up their asses they don’t even REALIZE it…it’s pretty bad that anyone takes any of these people seriously…I am from an era where haters, hate mail, etc was ignored….and people kept doing what they did for the people who liked what they did.
I got hate mail yesterday the subject was “CUNT” the message “FUCK OFF”…it happens, it means you’re doing something right, but instead brands are like “Oh twitter is mad, or these 100 people on twitter want to cancel us for dumb shit, let’s change our brand name in a panic to try to appease people and to try to do better”…pandering to the idiots who will just try to do more damage because they got their inch and want their mile…
Ignore the idiots…because they are idiots…and stare at their titties!

Posted in:Miley Cyrus