I'll Make You Famous…




Swimsuit Saturday of the Day

Foiled again….I did have every intention on posting these weekend posts during the weekend, which is the entire point of them…but I looked at the shitty computer and I felt my carpal in my elbows and arthritis in my hands…and I looked to the streaming apps that have been rotting my brain for at least 2 years now and said “no one gives a fuck about the weekend updates on the site, I’ll just do them monday”..

I am a procrastinator in the worst way and the fact that I even update the site daily during the week is fucking insane to me….a mental disorder motherfuckers…

Today we have – Swimsuit Saturday which is girls in Swimsuits that is meant to be girls who upload swimsuit pics of themselves but probably are dudes who uploaded pics of girls who uploaded pics of their bikinis on instagram and that’s good enough for me…

Posted in:swimsuit