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Christa B Allen Hangs Herself of the Day

You know what they say…suicide rates are up this 2020 COVID pandemic…like TARAJI P HENSON CLAIMING SHE HAD SUiCIDAL THOUGHTS THIS PANDEMIC which I saw earlier today and laughed…in part because COVID is a joke for 99.8% of people who catch it, since they survive…sure it may suck the 3 days they are sick…but they get through it….and I guess it’s not a joke to the people who have lost family members…but people die, life is fleeting, if it’s not COVID it’s something else…which I guess for TARAJI P HENSON is suicide….I didn’t actually read the story, but I see this suicide rates are up because people miss going to restaurants or the grocery store without a mask…maybe they are lonely and can’t deal with being alone…but maybe they should learn how to be happy alone, in their rich person houses, watching streaming apps..it’s safe to say TARAJI is bullshit and using suicide as an angle because her privileged life isn’t as good as it can be because of COVID…fuck off…trying to take the shine from ACTUAL suicidal people thanks to being actually FUCKED from COVID…where as Taraji may not be working as much, but CLEARLY her investments are killing it cuz she’s rich..

Anyway, this is not about Taraji, it’s about Christa B, who if anyone would kill themselves it’d probably be Christa B Allen, for barely making it in the Hollywood industry despite having been in it for decades, she’s 28 but her first role was in 2004….but I guess she’s into a different kind of hanging because she’s doing it wrong for suicide but right for showing off her ass…which is basically all these celebs are good at anyway…not to imply Christa B is a celeb, but maybe she will be one day if she either wins the lottery or hops into porn…which seems lucrative for other low level celebs…


Posted in:Christa B Allen