Sarah Hyland freaks me the fuck out because she looks like a senior citizen or like some primordial dwarf…she’s built fucking weird….and to find her hot would require a fetish in and of itself…..
She’s got some sort of genetic condition that has required at least two Kidney transplants, which is pretty fucking serious if you think about it….you know it’s allowed her to come face to face with death, all while looking like some premature baby who never developed…
What she brought out of that health crisis, is being that over sexual theatre kid weirdo that should weird you out…and seeing her being all horny, talking about masturbation, basically humping the fucking floor in her bikini, twerking for her tree, sitting with her tits out, despite not being hot…but I guess being a whore like all other whores who think she’s hotter than the weird freakish thing she is thanks to being cast on a hit TV show all those years and having that fan base and a series of “YES” men around her because they want to be so close to a star…including but not limited to her gay fiance..who probably fucks her for the perks and is able to fuck her because she’s built like a 12 year old boy….

Posted in:Sarah Hyland