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Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

It’s Asshole Behind Thong Thursday where I sit and wonder if the girls showing off their assholes are intentionally showing off their assholes or is that just the side effect of the thong design, you know it’s underwear, but it only covers 10 percent of your anus, so that if you’ve got a sloppy anus from injury or ‘roids, you’re shit out of luck, that discharge is hitting your pants…

Cleary the thong not covering an asshole in full is by design, you know some dude likely invented the thong to give girls complexes about pantylines and other things men don’t actually care about, so that in a panic of fitting in, they swap out all the old to bring in the new….that patriarchy is manipulative and I guess bitches are too weak to protest trends…

But the thong selfie, that doubles as an asshole flash, is clearly more about the asshole than the thong, otherwise their asses wouldn’t be spread so you can see the asshole.

I don’t know why the asshole gets so much love, since it’s where shit comes from, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t licked an asshole…

I used to say a hot girl was “Hot to trot, but she still had to squat” which I guess meant, despite being hot, she still shits, making her a little too “real” to me…so maybe showing the asshole is like baring your soul so that the people seeing your asshole have seen all of you.

I don’t know, but these are thongs and the assholes those thongs barely cover.

Posted in:Asshole Behind Thong