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Milf Monday of the Day

I read some bullshit story about some 50 year old woman who lowered her TINDER search results to 19 year olds and has ended up with a 19 year old…that they agree started out as a KINK relationship….he was curious to experience the friction of a menopausal mom pussy while she was curious to experience the porn generation of throat fucking perverts who are so fucked up sexually that by 19 they have a kink to fuck old moms…and I thought to myself…”That would never be me”….I’m a “they die by 40″….I mean really they die by 35 but with modern vanity they can stretch it out a few years…..and really they die at 30 but as someone with no standards into taking whatever is affordable….I don’t live by that rule…

So the point of that story is that people like fucking moms….I am just not those people…but here are some moms showing off their naked bodies as women do on the internet for that feedback that gets them off….in what could be argued as too little, too late…but I figure taking and posting nudes at any age is still worth looking at, even if you’re not into that whole “is the placenta still attached to taht thing or is that just how it looks when it becomes a mom”….kind of thing.

Posted in:Milf