I'll Make You Famous…




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

As much as I hate empowerment bullshit, because for the most part the people crying for empowerment are the fat and the ugly, the skin condition or the retardation, the birth defect or the obese as fuck…..the tranny, the intersex, the lesbian…you know everything is some bullshit about everyone being worthy or deserving of being celebrated even if they don’t fit social norms…then all those people photoshop the shit out of themselves to make a cartoon and filtered version of themselves basically forgetting all the bullshit they just spewed…

ANYWAY…sometimes I appreciate it…so long as the bitch is hot….which happens sometimes…but I am all for championing, empowering, celebrating, not shaming the small tit community….

I love small tits as much as I love big tits because they are tits…and sure some small tits are ugly tits and some big tits are ugly tits but they are still tits…

What I don’t love is when girls feel the need to cut their tits open and implant a plastic sac full of poison into their chest, only for it to pollute their fucking body for the same of rounder fake tits….

It’s not an accomplishment to cut you tit open for 5k to get a set of bigger tits, that’s the lazy man’s approach to tits…what is an accomplishment is thinking your hot tight body and you hot small tits should be photographed for the internet…

So I am the ITTY TITTY ambassador, I want to be the king of their Parade like I was John Goodman at New Orleans Halloween Parade back in 2010….if you know what I mean…AND YOU DO.

Posted in:TINY TITS