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Weed Wednesday of the Day

Time to get high….

I don’t like fanatics in basically any “niche” but I realize that people are autistic weirdos who latch onto things and fully dive into things….I am just not one of those people…I just consume what falls into my lazy lap…I don’t actually care about anything specifically…which sounds more depressing than it is…because a lack of passion is freedom…where being obsessed with things like success, love, family, money, knitting, jerking off, weed, basically anything is the real depressing thing…like get a life bro…

But weed, being illegal and in need of ambassadors to push the LEGAL agenda in America, has really passionate people, and rightfully so…the government shouldn’t decide what you ingest and if you’ve smoked weed, it’s not a gateway drug to shit, it’s barely a drug…you get high for 5 minutes….get a grip you pussies who believe all the lies you are sold…it is ILLEGAL because it couldn’t be taxed, controlled, and it opened up doors to target black people who smoke weed….it’s not because REEFER MADNESS makes you kill your fucking family…if anything, it should make your family life better, more laidback, etc…

ANYWAY, girls need angles to model shit, weed is an angle, people are into it, so here’s girls posing with weed, some looking like they eat too much on weed, but still being lewd with weed as a prop and I’ll look at anything lewd, I got nothing better to do thanks to having no passions.

Posted in:Weed