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Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I start every Full Back Panty” Friday post the same…I say FULL BACK PANTIES are panties too…not that you read the site, or care what my opinion of an underdog panty that can’t live its best panty life, because of the negative stigma and reputation it has, thanks to the lies in the media…in a lot of ways….full back panties are the white male of the panty community….the enemy who isn’t necessarily the enemy…but that people like to target as the enemy because it makes them feel good.

There was no reason that shame had to come with the more comfortable panty option….not everyone wants a thin fabric ripping their assholes open…and full back panties can be as hot as a thong…while G-Strings always look like trashy photoshoot props….not to mention a comfortable girl in panties, is more likely going to suck your dick than one just dying to get home to put on her full back panties, cuz they ones she wears for fuck aren’t comfy….

So stop discriminating panties, they are STILL panties, and panties are always fun even when you’re not a panty fetishists who fell in love with panties in High School when raiding his mom’s laundry hamper for that pussy smell…

Posted in:Fullback Panty