I'll Make You Famous…




Jenna Dewan in Some Photoshoot of the Day

The other day I saw that Jenna Dewan had a NIPPLE / TITTY FLASH in outtakes for what I assume is this Women’s Health Shoot , but you can never be too sure…I didn’t bother posting it, because who gives the fuck about Jenna Dewan’s old dancer titty, whether it was good enough for Channing Tatum or not…

I do know that my only Jenna Dewan story came from some random dude I met who claimed to have been Channing Tatum’s agent back in the day, he had since retired and was in Canada at the dive bar I was drinking out….he smelled homeless so it could have been a lie…but a very elaborate and weird lie so I’ll just take it as fact…

He said that when he’d drop off scripts for Channing, he’d obviously take it to his house, as celebrities are coddled babies who need to be tended to…

He said that when he’s get there, they’d be naked, meaning Channing and Jenna and they’d spend the time with the guy I met, trying to convince him to get naked…whether it was for fuck or not, who knows, maybe they are just nudists…but even after knowing that, I didn’t give a fuck about seeing the dancer wife naked, because who cares…

She’s now 40, a mom of 2 and I still have no interest in seeing her naked, even though dancers are great fucks, thanks to the fitness, endurance, stamina and the muscle memory needed to get their fuck on…so on that level she’s hot, knowing she’s a good fuck…

But this shoot is just straight awkward…pantsless and awkward…and if she’s not showing cunt while being a nudist, I pretty much hate her for it….so I post this with ANGER in my soul…

Posted in:Jenna Dewan