I'll Make You Famous…




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I say this every Wednesday, because if I didn’t, how would you know and my post would be…

Workout Wednesday You know the drill..

But I like to assume that no one has ever been to this website, because based on everything, it’s safe to assume that no one has been to this website, so I like to give long winded boring backstories you know to filter out anyone who is into the content on the site but wants good editorial to get rooked into the site….you know because being irrelevant and invisible is the new being relevant…

So the backstory is, I wanted to post sluts working out slutty, it evolved to sluts who work out, or who think they are fit, posting nudes of their gains, or their workout bodies, when REALLY I am here to see you being a slut in the gym…there’s just more girls who think they are fit getting naked…than girls doing squats naked…and that’s because GYMS ARE OPPRESSIVE and don’t let women produce the nude content they want for hygiene purposes, no nudity in the gym unless you’re fucking the trainer, SEX WORKERS of the internet discrimination…

Posted in:Workout