I'll Make You Famous…




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Tight Pants may be a pretty shitty thing for fat fucks like me trying to fit into them….cutting off my circulation…all because I need to make an appearance at the Welfare office and I don’t want them seeing me in my cum stained, soiled, dirty ass smelling sweatpants….

Tight Pants may be pretty queer when you see old men jogging or biking in their leggings, a trend that I’ll never understand and never really understood, because men have been wearing bike shorts with confidence since the 80s or before, even for their lesiurely sunday rides, and the whole thing is pretty fucking queer.

That’s why I used to refer to things as GAYER THAN BICYCLE SHORTS when I was allowed…not that I am not allowed, I don’t fold like that…as long as I pay for my own damn SERVER, I’ll call something gay….I may even call it a FAG…

But Tight pants on women are everything we need out of a pant, especially now that they are made with spandex….really getting into ever nook and cranny so that a motherfucker like me can practicially see the ridges of your anus….

So naturally, girls are whores, so buying and wearing tight pants isn’t enough for them, they need to selfie the motherfuckers for you to stare at them too…why limit tight pants to just people in your line of vision, share it with the world…you tight pant wearing slut.

Posted in:Tight Pants