I'll Make You Famous…




Frog Butt Friday of the Day

The one thing you have to appreciate about Americans is how conditioned they are to be like each other.

It’s like they are all into the same pop music, the same movies, even when they hate each other based on nonsense ideas, they are just being the fucking same by taking sides about irrelevant shit, thanks to the media telling them to…

So the Anti-Trumpers vs the Trumpers are basically the same McDonald’s eating idiot who knows all the words to a Katy Perry song…or all Katy Perry songs…even if they didn’t want to…it’s brain washing tactics..

But yeah, in finding comfort in being the same, you know vacationing in the same places, eating the same chained restaurants, buying the same brands…comes a pretty funny concept of posing in the same slut pose…

So Friday’s slut pose, which I think is an awesome slut pose, is a trendy slut pose, all the girls wanting to put ass pics on the internet for money or a cheap thrill or empowerment, which is just another marketing name to justify being a slut….sex positivity…feminism…you know what I am saying…and that is that a bitch can’t just be “I am posting pics of my ass” they need to make a big thing about it like it’s part of a bigger movement,….and they do the same with their slutty poses…because this is called FROG BUTT…where butts look rounder when kneeling…and if all girls are FROG BUTTING…it makes it feel ok…because there is comfort in being like everyone else….

So all that marketing, mass appeal, critical mass popularity shit annoys be, just not when it involves girls being swayed into the dark side of posting LEWD pics online…I’m into that.

Posted in:Frog Butt