I'll Make You Famous…




Kendall Jenner Potential Pussy Lip of the Day

Kendall Jener is promoting some tiny thong underwear for valentine’s day I guess….like the slut that she is…

Don’t ever forget the family empire was build on the fat sister getting fucked by a big black cock….only to spin it thanks to deals with whatever devil into some bullshit multi billion dollar scam that reminds me how dumb the general population is…why reward the trash and make them into these cultural icons that bring nothing but terrible fucking energy to the world…..I’ve been calling them terrorists and I will continue to call them terrorists whether they are better direct to consumer marketers than QVC or not….I don’t give a fuck if they can peddle products to idiots like a Flea market carni selling leather belts….I just think they suck…especially with the normalizing of muppet faces …and surgeries that people should be ashamed of but instead think make them hot…

So thanks to the ugly Kardashians, ugly girls everywhere are acting or thinking they are hot…it’s terrible…

That said, Kendall is the hot one in the family, even if her body in this thong looks weird to me….that pulled up to her neck, waist to hip ratio that doesn’t look natural, but could be natural, I can’t confirm or deny it is natural, I mean the most natural thing in the family is Bruce’s labia….

That doesn’t mean I won’t stare…angrily since there’s no bush peeking out…because bush would at least be noteworthy, viral and exiting…for bush lovers like me…instead it’s the bald Kardashian bikini wax look they have because without it, you see their true barn animal furriness.

I don’t buy into this trash being a top model, but at least she’s long and skinny while half naked…making the world proud or at least the mom proud as another kid shamelessly whores herself out for the cause….or for money…same thing.

All this to say, keep on inspiring your generation to be whores…it’s doing great for the content stream…so much slutty content out there….a win for us all and this bitch had her hand in it because people are fucking followers and follow these idiots…hopefully into posting their own micro bikinis…the skimpier they get the sooner IG will be about labia empowerment…let’s start with Bruce.


Posted in:Kendall Jenner