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Milf Monday of the Day

MIlFs are people too, even if their vaginas have been blown out, we have learned this year, more than any year, that humanity or being human is not defined by your genitals…dudes are cutting their dicks off, girls are growing their dicks out, it’s a whole era of fighting female circumcision in Africa, but celebrating it stateside as a new gender….not that it’s anything new…it’s just only been normalized the last few years…before it was seen as a mental disorder or hook for sex workers to make more money being a weird hybrid…

Not that this is about TRANS, it’s about MILFs, who are arguably still sexual beings since having the kids, maybe more sexual since having the kids because they need to prove that they still got it, that they can still fuck, or that they are still worthy of being jerked off to….or maybe they just need anything to get them off to offset the hell they live in having a bunch of shitty kids…and masturbation is enhanced when people are masturbating to you…or maybe they’ve been fucked and dealt with the worse possible outcome of being fucked, plus all those doctor’s appointments that has made them more secure in their cunts, or at least made them not give a fuck about people seeing their cunts…so if not now that they are moms, then when can they reclaim their life and sex appeal. I just don’t know….

Despite my pear shaped body and sloppy tits, I am not a MILF….so I don’t have the answers…I just have the pics of this week’s MILF round-up of MILFs who said….I’m going to post lewd pics of myself on the internet for men with mommy issues who are into mommies…

Posted in:Milf


