I saw some of these pics the other day on other websites, but being the weirdo hoarder of celebrity pictures even though I hate celebrities but for whatever reason have immersed myself in celebrity tits….felt the need to give you my take on it….and I have no idea why….blame the higher powers that are channeled through my fingers as I create this genius bullshit no one reads…
So this photoshoot is some self promotion, or maybe a promotion to promote some product that she’s selling, since nothing on the internet is just editorial or fun, it’s all part of a marketing campaign to sell to the idiots…because instagram is an infomercial that people are too dumb to realize because they are too busy chasing likes and follows of their own…
Sofia Richie is only interesting to me because her family decided to lend her to the soulless, possibly evil satanist, Kardashians who definitely made a deal with someone, because their mom-ager who got all this praise for masterminding the whole thing was around for over 20 years prior to them actually hitting…so I feel like it may be an inside job…and I doubt that at 50 she was like “now I’ll try to take over the internet with my shitty and disgusting kids”….
But yeah, Sofia Richie, and heiress to Lionel’s empire, played a cast member on the Kardashian show, or IG feed, because she fucked the weirdo groomer Scott Disick, who collects all these young LA girls…
All while having the money to do anything she ever wanted…but instead chose to be a Kardashian spin off character to hype herself up on social media instead of just using her dad’s money to produce cool shit on her own…
I mean…that’s weird to me….
I get the whole finding some chick at a bus stop and rooking her into your human trafficking on instagram, but Lionel Richie’s heiress daughter…clearly LA rich kids are part of some evil cult…just fucking with the minds of the youth…
Anyway, here are her legs….looking strong….get her some watermelons to crush….

Posted in:Sofia Richie