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Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

Asshole Behind Thong Thursdays are a glorious day to celebrate the design flaw, that’s become a design win, in the design of the THONG…and that is that when bent over and looked at in the right way from the right angle you see full discolored asshole…

I don’t know what pioneer, trendsetter, first mover, figured it out, but I like to think they were taking thong selfies for someone on a dating app and realized they couldn’t get a good show without the asshole in…so they just went for it knowing they’d been fucking the dude in a few hours anyway…

Then there’s the whole hype of getting asshole pics from girls, nudes only count if there is anus in it, and everyone is so excited by anus, the unifying orifice…so any excuse to get the asshole out there is a good one…as asshole empowerment is real…

SO here’s some ASSHOLES behind thongs!

Posted in:Asshole Behind Thong