I'll Make You Famous…




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

This is probably the best thing I post all week, it’s girls, everyday girls just trying to either have a good time or get ahead in life on the internet with nudes, both noble fucking causes, because nudes are thrilling, exciting and fun and basically ANYONE can do them….but more importantly the everyday girl nude takes attention from the shitty celebrity or influencer nudes and I am all for that kind of equality because so many hot chicks out there that I want to see naked aren’t famous enough on their social channels to get nude enough for me to ever see it….until I realized that everyday girls, who are hotter than celebs by default, since they aren’t shitty celebs, even if they are trying to get that audience…they’re doing it through nudes..

I like the on/off because I want to know what a bitch dresses like before seeing her vagina, but also I like to see how good she lives up to her public image body-wise, because that’s what’s important…it also makes us feel like we’re part of some exclusive club even though it’s just put out there for all to see..and my praise of the on/off is irrelevant because I am irrelevant…BUT…that doesn’t mean they aren’t any less amazing.

So here’s a bunch of ON/OFF…because I am a fan of the On/Off…

Posted in:OnOff