I'll Make You Famous…




Fishnet Friday of the Day

The world may fucking suck, it may be completely out of control, society as we know it and our freedoms, and the idea of freedom of speech, or freedom at all….unless you are just reciting what CNN or whatever is telling you to think….and people who aren’t logical, or are just lazy, go along with it…and this applies to ALL fronts, whether covid, masks, vaccines and vaccine passports, celebrities all being vaccinated while your granny isn’t, because elitism still works….and it’s pretty fucking insane…to the point where if they come to your house and tell you to leave your house and join the FEMA camps….will get people going along with it….not FIGHTING like the COWBOYS or survivors we once were….totally fucking CONTROLLED….which is DARK, SCARY and HORRIBLE….

BUT there is still fun, if you ignore it all, and distract yourself with girls in FISHNETS….because FISHNETS are amazing…you can fall into the mindless retard mindset too…unless you’re not ALREADY fully immersed in this….because THEY have WON!!!

YES…heavy FISHNET FRIDAY posts….

Posted in:Fishnets