I accidentally turned on the movie MARRYING MAN or some shit on Disney Plus because someone gave me their login and I turned it on because Alec Baldwin and Kim Bassinger were in it together…I lasted about 3 minutes and it wasn’t because I was jerking off to the though of what their union created….IRELAND BALDWIN…but I should have been….I lasted 3 minutes because it was really fucking bad…but not as bad as SPLASH…which I put on afterwords because I wanted to see some Darryl Hannah titty in the bathtub with her fish tail…you know a specific fetish…but I only lasted 2 minutes on that one…..fuck movies were bad…
Anyway, here’s Ireland doing a twerk with her big girl tits and big girl ass…shorts pulled up her asshole to get you the full effect and in the event you didn’t read my last 2 Ireland Baldwin posts, I’m a fan of hers and she’s no longer the butt of shitty daddy issue jokes…she’s a person of her own and she bust jokes and she falls into my child of a celebrity in her 20s fetish because the children of celebrities live amazing lives even if they end up in rehab a lot…that’s just proof of how good their lives are…
Posted in:Ireland Baldwin