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Tanline Thursday of the Day

Tanline Thursday isn’t as inspiring as it should be because it snowed in Canada yesterday which is fucking crazy…but I guess end of the world, climate change, COVID lockdown measures, RACE…it must be race related….since everything is race related…even when the people are half white, it’s a race motivated crime….not that I am defending killing cops…because that would be crazy…not because I am scared of being cancelled, I’ve been cancelled, but because I’ve always thought cops were power hungry idiots who lack training, intellegence…even basic understanding of laws and civil rights…I don’t even know if you need a highschool diploma to be a cop…and I sure fucking know you don’t need to be able to run a marathon to be a cop…maybe the only running they do is to the donut shop…it’s funny cuz it’s true…

I don’t know how I got into this when talking about nature’s highlighter so we know the good parts….but this is what the WORLD is doing to me…I can’t look at tanline girls showing tanlines…that are either natural or produced in a spray tan like a stripper for effect….and I’m talking about killing cops being lazy…and dudes being killed by cops for not following the rules not being martyrs or race heroes…because I truly feel it’s a fucking CLASS divide issue and not a race issue…poor people will be more inclined to be hassled by cops than rich people cuz cops are scared rich people will sue them….someone told me about a Rolls Royce driver who got pulled over the other day….the cops asked who’s car it was…to Rolls Royce driver said “you think I stole this fucking car to drive it around for fun and to get arrested for grand theft auto, are you dumb”….to which the cops got aggressive with the guy….until realizing…”shit, he owns a 500k car, he can fucking ruin us”….to which the Rolls Royce driver said “give me the fucking ticket and fuck off”….to which they didn’t give him a ticket and fucked off….the Rolls Royce driver…wasn’t white…but he was RICH..

Fuck…I’m supposed to talk about tanlines…OOOPS.

Posted in:Tanlines