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Frog Butt Friday of the Day

FROG BUTTS…how dare you….how derogatory…how inappropriate…calling a pose a woman just trying to make her ass look rounder and more dramatic a FROG butt, instead of a WOMAN BUTT…you misogynistic fucks…be outraged…cancel the frog butt…and call it “kneeling” or something less fun…even if all the girls in frog butt have self proclaimed the frog butt and uploaded the pic with the #frogbutt hashtag…so we know it’s a frog butt…that’s clearly just proof that the patriarchy has trickled down into a woman’s day to day life where she doesn’t even know she’s being objectified as she objectifies herself….I mean…to call a woman’s butt a frog butt…like GROSS…you know Frogs and their warts, their green skin, the fact they live in fucking swamps amongst filth and stink…HOW DARE YOU…but outraged..

Or just look at the frog butts cuz girls figured out how to brand a pose they do to make their asses look hot…because being outraged is for idiots since none of this matters, it’s all a simulation.

Posted in:Frog Butt