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Phoebe Tonkin Naked Tree Hugger of the Day

Phoebe Tonkin Nude

Phoebe Tonkin is an Australian migrant worker who instead of working on the farm, works the entertainment industry….barely…she was in vampire diaries or some other nerd bullshit and has been coasting ever since…plus she likely came into America with proper work visas and even a Green Card because I think she’s even married an American…but what the fuck do I know….it’s possible she was thrown into the border cages with COVID before being thrown into society…I just don’t have the details…

What I do have is a pic of her hugging a tree for Earth Day because the Climate is now the full focus of the activists and loving the earth is important…since we live on it…but for whatever reason…mainly greed and corruption…the industrialized world has fucking destroyed the environment for profit…awesome…..but you people at home stop using plastic straws cuz that’ll make a difference…when the corporations making billions are the fucking problem…

No, I’m not an activist, or a climate change denier….I just know for a fact big business and their factories destroy the planet and that all you housing development suburban fucks are totally disconnected with the earth because it’s not a SHOPPING MALL to spend money you don’t have on shit you don’t need…..I am however someone into nature and amazed we live amongst such amazing landscapes, climates, animals, rivers and lakes and oceans…and instead all we care about is selfies, selling nudes, and buying KIM K promoted garbage…society disgusts me….we need more naked tree huggers but even she’s probably a fake with all her possessions…you know rich shit…


Posted in:Phoebe Tonkin