Charlotte Lawrence is the hot, tall, bikini wearing, popstar in training, who is lucky enough to be the daughter of celebrities, which could actually be a curse, but one that opens a lot of doors for you, so I doubt it’s a curse…you know being able to live an awesome life, in awesome houses, where you get to vacation in awesome locations….all while having all the free designer clothes shipped to your mom…and all the access provided by being raised in that community…even if celebrity in and of itself is a disgusting thing to the outsiders, when you’re in it, I am sure it’s pretty awesome.
She’s currently releasing music and building up her audience based on being a “pop star” or performer. I haven’t heard her music, but her marketing material on social media is pretty good.
To an old fuck like me, the skimpy outfits that the younger generation wears will never get old to me, plus I’ve spent so much time in stripclubs over the years, I am used to half naked girls walking around, but it is something I’d never get bored of…but also something I never full expected to happen on a mainstream level…but I also didn’t think tinder would have ever worked because I knew about grinder, not because I was out looking for dudes to fuck, but because I knew dudes who were out looking for dudes to fuck and I said “that’d be so good for straight people but girls will NEVER go along with it”….not that I could have executed it if I tried…but when it hit, it proved how little I knew about young people into fun, naked, raised on porn and into being hot on the internet…and I guess in life…
The BEST thing about Charlotte Lawrence is that she’s not on some body positivity fat girl shit…meaning NOT all young people are going the route the media has been telling us they are….and that’s GODO news.
All this to say, looking good Charlotte Lawrence, I’m sure Uncle Drew Carey approves…

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