I'll Make You Famous…




Workout Wednesdays of the Day

You may not know this but it’s true, working out and eating well will help you survive COVID…being a fat fuck with a shitty diet will work against you when it comes to COVID..not that everything is about COVID…or that COVID is even the biggest RISK out there for the people…there are other things like Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Cancer, uncomfortable pants, uncomfortable chairs, challenges standing up or walking up stairs…that all come from being a fat, lazy, unhealthy, shitty food eating fuck…

So use these girls, who are into fitness, to motivate you, to get into fitness, or at least to start conditioning yourself to no give sloppy lazy bitches the attention they want, because Body Positivity is a fucking lie that fat girls tell you…now that fat girls are confident cuz fat girls can be on TV, in Movies, Models, fucked by randoms like the hot girl at the bar and not the “last call” closing time table scrabs….ALWAYS choose fitness….and the funny thing with fit girls is that some are still thick, some are still busty….they just have more stamina to fuck you better…and inspire you to get off your ass to fuck them better…

Health is wealth or some shit…as I sit here in my XXXL soiled sweatpants that don’t fit….I’m a commentator not an example to live by…dummies…

Posted in:Workout