I'll Make You Famous…




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Lactaction doesn’t turn me on, but with everyone getting vaccinated and potentially sterilized according to those PESKY conspiracy theorists who think that the vaccine sterilizes you because they’re just so crazy to doubt BIG PHARMA and experimental treatments being handed out to everyone without even doing human trials, where this is the human trials all for a virus that’s basically doesn’t kill that many people percentage-wise….I’ll say that lactaction may be the coveted and most exciting a woman can do because it will be so rare and these videos will be like vintage porno or something….a concept that no one will be able to grasp because the free the nipple movement will fade into obscurity cuz none of these idiots will be getting pregnant…

Now, I may not be a doctor, but I do know that Government and Big Pharma have let you down before and I’ve said that I wouldn’t get an experimental treatment for no reason…and either should you….as you line up blindly thinking that this will get your life back to normal…cuz you miss going to a bar, party, concert, restaurant, or whatever….thanks to seeing J.Lo and other celebrity puppets push the shit….even people who have had covid are in line like idiots ready to take selfies with bandaids on their arm like the pussy shill’s they are….it’s crazy times out there…

So Lactaction, not hot today, but give it a decade and this will be ALL you wish to see, you know a time when women were women…and Miracle Grow and Plastic Companies and potentially experimental vaccines weren’t killing off our sperm….

Posted in:Lactating