I'll Make You Famous…




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

Wetspot Wednesday is what I like to say is the reason I don’t update the site that early on Wednesdays because I find wet spots so repulsive, but the truth is that I am just a lazy fuck and I use it as an excuse, since everyone alive seems to be a pussy fuck who just makes excuses for all aspects of their lives that suck….

I don’t get grossed out by any sexualized content, I’ve seen the weirdest most vile shit after decades of being on the internet…it’s destroyed my soul…but at least I find it entertaining..

I don’t get grossed out by creamy panties, even if they are full of yeast infection, vaginitis and other vile things that a vagina can do…and I am able to believe that the women posting wet spots are doing it to get dudes excited by how horny they are…or they are faking it to pretend they are excited…part of their marketing bait for losers to masturbate….because they are easy to manipulate…

So…here’s those wet spots..

Posted in:WetSpot