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Tanline Thursday of the Day

I guess I can’t push the whole “despite lockdowns girls are still getting their tanlines on to make their titties pop”….because lockdowns aren’t really happening in a lot of places because the public is fed up and realize that if you get sick and die, you get sick and die, it’s kind of the human condition….everyone knows drinking, smoking, being fat, kills…yet we still do it….so why would we go along with this COVID shit…probably because we like staying home all day with our screens….but only until it inconveniences us or gets boring…because even the most active mask wearing social distancer wearing gloves and two masks when on a walk alone…breaks the “rules’ when it gets in the way of doing what he wants to do…thanks to us being inherently selfish fucks…so girls who tanline, still tanlined through the pandemic, whether it was laying in the sun, by the pool, or getting sprayed down like a stripper in a a camping tent…..becasue TANLINES matter and they’ve survived this PANDEMIC…or even THRIVED in the pandemic…cuz they are hot…and hot things will always win….or overcome…thanks to being hot…

Here’s some tanlines.

Posted in:Tanlines