I'll Make You Famous…




Julianne Hough in Mesh of the Day

As someone who used to love Mormon Memes on Instagram back when I would check instagram before realizing it was trying to brainwash me and steal my soul…I feel a deep rooted connection to Julianne Hough, a fallen Mormon who has decided to make a deal with the devil instead of with John Smith or Jedediah or whoever the fuck founded the Mormon Temples you all love so much….especially when their missionaries, who are usually nicely dressed young men come to your door when you’re jerking off to throw you off from your jerking off…which to me is a sign from above that you can still be saved….

Anyway, modest is the hottest is part of their mantra , and despite not being a religious person, besides my whole belief that we are an alien experiment, which means there’s a creator somewhere, but despite my lack of organized religious beliefs, I still appreciate modest is the hottest…

I think girls were hotter when I couldn’t see their assholes on the internet, I liked that when you did see an asshole on a girl you’d be excited about it…instead of it being flimsily thrown around to anyone willing to pay a dollar to see it…or worse…for free to get clicks…

I also think the world was better when other people were more wholesome, when they kept their sleaze to themselves, when they didn’t talk porn or pretended to not watch porn, or what they pretended to not jerk off….even though they all jerked off…it was a collective understanding that we don’t talk about that shit..which always made watching a girl jerk off seem more exciting…

I also think that community was important, back when there was a church and family and people would communicate with each other and have conversations and when they went out, they wouldn’t be streaming to their “FANS”….because they are important..

I could probably go on and on about this…but the fact is that Julianne Hough, the Mormon who decided to do coke of Ryan Seacrests dick for this celebrity life is on the beach in mesh being provocative, because when you dance, you can pretend it’s just your art, but we know what’s going on here.


Posted in:Julianne Hough


