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Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

Asshole Behind Thongs….PRIDE MONTH edition…since everyone is an asshole and everyone has an asshole, it’s the gender unifier and the orifice all people can stimulate, gay or straight, but more for the gays….

Yes, it’s Pride Month, which I didn’t realize was a monthlong event, until it’s been shoved down my fucking throat the last two days….

My theory is a crazy one…and that is people should be proud of what they fuck all year round…unless what they fuck is illegal….but instead, thanks to the internet making everything some marketing opportunity for brands, they’ve decided to make it a month long thing for the LGBTQRST community, because they need the attention, considering EVERYONE is gay….

I do know that every brand out there is really taking advantage of the pride thing as a hook to get more sales and to signal how woke they are…but it is all so fucking stupid…

I don’t know why groups of people need to segregate themselves to show the world how unique they are…when we walk down the street and see you in your dresses, or holding hands, we see how unique you are…

It’s totally unnecessary and pandering, but people like it, it makes them feel part of something, either cuz they are gay, since everyone is gay, or not gay, so the world KNOWS they are on board for this gay thing, that NO ONE anywhere is really against or care about…at least not in this era…but for whatever reason they talk about gay like it’s this frowned upon thing…those motherfuckers need a time machine to understand what gay oppression actually is..

I don’t care if you’re gay or straight, or what your fetish is, unless it is of the illegal kind…and I really don’t think anyone does…so this song and dance is just bullshit….but asshole behind thongs…those are the real deal.

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